What is a runtime, and does C have one?
Blog now powered by Jekyll
Conscientiousness and IQ
Notes on Notes on Complexity
Avoid Rails console sandbox
A plea to reconsider sampling Alan Watts in your lowfi chillwave music
Database write amplification
Optimum ISP is MITMing its customers
Type punning, strict aliasing, and BSD sockets
Paying down technical debt won't necessarily increase your velocity
Is "success mostly results from luck and connections" a luxury belief?
Installing a Boss 560BRGB stereo in a 2012 Mazda 5
Hemmingway readability scores
Ruby and Fortran libraries
Fixing slow HTTP PUTs with Rails and Typhoeus
Rails 4 scopes with has_many :through relations
Configuring SoftEther VPN on Ubuntu with a firewall
Read more literature
LAMP on Digital Ocean
Throttle outbound Spotify traffic
Filtering ExtJs Grid
Closure Compiler externs for Backbone 1.0.0
I give you wings
Simulate typekit FOUT on OSX with IPFW
Graphing changes in file size across git commits
closure compiler externs for underscore 1.4.4
Simplify QAing the js popup windows in your web app
Closure Compiler externs updates
Exploring Chrome's timeline panel
Avoiding 503s when loading images from Google Contacts API
Scrolling while paused in Chrome debugger
Backbone.js finite state machine view
Closure compiler externs files for underscore and backbone js
Cisco IPsec VPN on OSX Snow Leopard
Errors in scripts loaded with jQuery $.getScript
JScript deviations from ES3
Objects in closure compiler record types
Automatic brain, free person
The Hood Internet - One Midnight With You
Project Euler problem 9 in one line of Haskell
HTTP status cats
Hot buttered rye breakfast cocktail
Performance comparison of doubling a number in javascript
Bug in ckeditor version 3.6.1 revision 7072
Mis-applications of Gaia theory
Neat, plausible, and wrong
A valiant stand on science and religion
Hegel gets colloquial
A Heidegger Poem??
Some Philosophical Chuck Norris Facts
Nelly vs. Lynyrd Skynyrd
Epic Castoriadis run-on sentence
How does your website fare on text resize?
Nirvana + MGMT mashup
Testing your websites on Android phones
Two interesting fonts
Updated RSS feeds
My favourite painting at the MOMA
Marxist or Marxian
Me on my buddy's blog
The sun shines to-day also
6 questions for Richard Posner
Why do all thesauri seem to suck?
Unabomber weighs in on ancient Egyptian dwarf-worship
Goethe-recognition FAIL
Logic of post-modern thought
Chekov on Nihilism
"Your opinion doesn't have to be based on facts"
Progress without politics
Beer in America
Some support for Schumpeter
Smart suburb planning in NYC, 100 years ago
Roll with rolling razor!
Paragraph-level commenting for Wordpress
Facebook uses browser-specific body classes
Google doesn't like twitter
View Source
HTML5 Canvas Experimentation
Printer is on fire
Pascal vs. Callwood
"Infinity" Citizen x Wow
Some philosophical kisses
Yochai Benkler on the End of Universal Rationality
Ray Kurzweil on the Future of GNR
Craftmanship in the age of industry
Wordpress' comment form tabindex no-no
A totally different kind of game
Schwarzenegger uses Facebook
A (very) brief history of time, Youtube style
Susan Sontag: why style is important
Brought to you by Saul Bass
You're sitting in a chair, in the sky
Some useful modifications to Joomla Podcast Suite
Securing passwords in your database
Bottle-collecting shopping cart racers
The Napoleon Dynamite problem
The log driver's waltz
How to email a CEO
Inconsolata: a nice, new (free!) monospace font
To LibraryThing widget users:
Leveraging social norms to save the environment
Improve your pagination's usability
IE6 CSS hacks with
Global survey: the importance of religion in your daily life
Saving Gigi -- good food, good wifi
Can religion and science be reconciled?
Is HD a Schlimmbesserung?
No video in email for 2009
The ego boom
Dylan sells out with hilarious results
New theme
Canada: a brief history of failed GHG reduction policies
Thank god Rogers is continuing to innovate
The future of journalism
Scam ads on Facebook
As the web gets smarter, will our anonymity evaporate?
Motto for web writers: cut!
The financial crisis cloud has no silver lining
Mistakes you don't want to make when applying to philosophy grad schools
Upgraded to Wordpress 2.7
Al Franken zings Ann Coulter
When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold
Maybe people aren't as stupid as psychologists think
Greenspan's mea culpa
Could you have a base without a superstructure?
Ontario launches anti-poverty plan amidst economic turmoil
Comparing web traffic stats: google analytics, google urchin, and webtrends
A first step towards "justice after Bush"?
The #1 reason not to use Joomla
If it can't be shared, it doesn't count
Expert On Anteaters Wasted Entire Life Studying Anteaters
Obama, McCain, Palin, Biden, and... Chuck Norris?
How not to do a call to action
Some worthwhile reading on the economic meltdown and what comes next
Environmental politics over the long term
Bot-mediated reality
Trademarking our everyday lives
Some Congress members told: pass bailout bill, or martial law
The climate change denial industry
Running Internet Explorer on your Mac
Where to get your Mac fixed in Toronto
SilverStripe sets new traffic record
Launch of
There goes the country
Slavoj Zizek: McCain is Bush with lipstick
Google's confusing and questionable advice on URL rewriting
Littering in outer space
First lesson of SEO...'s usability sin
ThoughtWorks in Toronto: Forging a new alliance between business and IT
Ampersand validation issues with Joomla
Consequences of bot-mediated reality
I like Matt Damon
Amazon Web Services Start-Up Tour in Toronto
If only Spore DRM complainers were this vocal about all corporate injustices
Maybe Naomi Wolfe is right...
Reason 3 not to vote for the Conservatives: who cuts literacy funding?
Better pagination SEO with Wordpress
Reason 2 not to elect the Conservatives: stupid and destructive climate change policy
Reason 1 not to elect the Conservatives: trashy campaigning
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the way We Make Things
One nice thing about Google...
Google chrome: speed at the price of bloat?
End of an empire
Compelling graphs from the WHO Report on Social Determinants of Health
Is American Health Care Uniquely Inefficient?
Havana before and after Castro
New bike(s)
Village of Makkinga has no traffic signs
Some reflections on Aurora, browser of the future
On climate change and not wrestling with pigs
Content Management Systems - a look back in time
Web design for different monitors
Using Wordpress as a CMS - Part 3
Leveraging the shape of information
The semantic web gets friendly
Visualizations of information architecture / user experience
Large Hadron Collider rap
Great way to deal with trolls on your blog
Amazon Web Services start-up tour coming to Toronto
Hyperempowerment? Really?
The world's dirtiest cities
In case we didn't already know that GW Bush's presidency was a joke...
Hillside 2008 roundup
Del's "nutty device"
Creepy female robot
The Survey for People Who Make Websites
The Nautilus
Incorporating web standards into your design brief or RFP
Annoyance from Ticketmaster
The magic of the free market explained
More cakePHP tips
Pandora's Hope, by Bruno Latour
Using Wordpress as a CMS - Part 2
Delicious brunch on Bloor
Using Wordpress as a CMS - Part 1
Toronto cops bust sketchy bike shop
Choosing a PHP web application framework
Facebook Camp
Simians are people too
Anti-terrorist pickup trucks, trapdoors, and such
The fundamental nature of intelligence
Netherlands deserved to lose
Jim Prentice fumbles his way through a 10-minute CBC interview
Canadian carbon tax plans
Artist spends one week living as a hamster
Godwin's law in action
Canadian students' environmental knowledge and attitudes
Some thoughts on the coming of everybody
What are the relationships between learning and engagement at school?
Strong National Support for British Columbia's Carbon Tax
We're all fracked
Say it publicly and you're insane, Chocolate Rain
NASA will pay you $5K a month to lie in bed
Classic case of slippery slope
Art show curator euthanizes living leather jacket
Robot spiders
More befuddlement from Bjorn Lomborg
World's oldest living root-system
Income inequality and happiness
I knew I was a man
Self-re-assembling robots - cue the Terminator references
A new low for Google
Young Billy seeks advice from notorious serial killers
The ethics of race- and ethnicity-based statistics
Props to the Ontario Government
Washington DC bike rental program -- not enough critical mass?
Great conference on bikes; less great over-reliance on "tipping point"
Track biking in San Fransisco
Slavoj Zizek web 2.0
Stiglitz: Iraq war to cost US close to 5 trillion USD
Climate change in Canada: some ups, some downs
Inequality is bad: left-wing dogma, or common sense?
Great depression and WWII in colour
Back when men were men, and calculators weighed five tons
Report: most countries will fail to meet Millennium Development Goals by 2015
US war robots in Iraq aim guns at human masters
UK scientists further discredit link between climate change and solar activity
What is RSS?
Mr. T brings boy out of coma
Canada on intellectual property rights -- not so bad after all?
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