I’ve been diving much deeper into closure compiler’s type checking abilities lately, and while it is a great tool, the documentation could stand to be improved somewhat.

Sometimes when creating a record type, you will want to specify not just that some property is an array, or an object, but what sort of things are in the array, or what sort of properties are on the object.

A simple record type for an object with a string and number property:

 * @typedef 

A record type with an array of strings:

 * @typedef 

A record type, one of whose properties is an object:

 * @typedef {{authorized:boolean, network_name: string,
 * details: Object.<{id: number, promotion_id: number}>, type: string}}

This last one is the syntax I was having trouble coming up with, and it is not immediately obvious from the official documentation here. Hope this might help someone else who’s looking for the same thing.

Also, an example of objects inside an array (using this for a Vimeo video object):

 * @typedef {{urls: {url: Array.<Object.<{type: string, _content: string}>>},
 * thumbnails: {thumbnail: Array.<Object.<{_content: string, width: string, height: string}>>} }}
 * }}

You can also refer to other record types inside a record type:

 * @typedef {{name: string, auth_provider: string, id: number}}

 * @typedef {{authorizations: Array.<MyRecordTypes.authorization> }}